
Who I am

Hi Everyone, My name is Siddharth Singh. I currently live in Hyderabad, India and work at Microsoft as a Senior Software Engineer.

My Experience

I am primarily a backend engineer working at Microsoft on . NET\ C# tech stack. I work mostly on Microsoft’s data integration products( Azure Synapse, Azure Data factory).

Before Microsoft, I have also worked on Java, NodeJS, C++ tech stacks as well in the past at Adobe, Intel, Expedia, and Salesforce.

After working on Xamrin Form-based Apps, I developed an interest in the Microsoft Cross-platform tech stack. Closely following the .NET MAUI Framework since early previews.

Why this Cookbook?

My motivation for writing is this cookbook is to help new MAUI developers solve common tasks quickly and contribute to the community. I welcome any contributions to the book from the community.

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