
I was very much excited when I first got to know about the MAUI framework. After all, this is very important part of .NET unification theme. I tried the early previews and was amazed at the quality of preview builds and documentation provided by team for new developers by the core team.

However, I felt that there is a lot of knowledge scattered over blog posts, Youtube Videos, github repos and many other places. A documentation unification story is needed in this space too and thats when I thought of this idea. I have created cookbooks before for other platforms I worked on and aware of how much they are helpful for newcomers.

This is just an attempt to gatter all the knowledge at one place which is easily searchable which that you can quickly refer to and move on.

Who this book is for?

While this book can help anyone, the target audience I have in mind are -

  • Beginners to the Mobile development Sometimes, It takes a lot of time to search the available resources and try multiple approaches to find a solution. If newcomers have to search for simple things, they may give up on .NET\MAUI and move to other established frameworks like Flutter or React Native. A quick reference book will definitely be helpful. Microsoft’s documentation is no doubt awesome and detailed. This book will serve as a addon to the available MAUI resources.

  • .NET Web developers learning the MAUI ecosystem These people are PROS in .NET but new to cross-platform App development world. A reference guide for .NET MAUI can be very helpful to quickly finish tasks and learn good patterns and optimized ways.

  • Intermediate Xamarin Devs working on MAUI migration There is a MAUI way of doing things and even experienced Xamarin devs may need to reference samples code sometimes. We can keep all working MAUI code and migration challenges faced by the community.

What this book covers?

  • .NET MAUI concepts by Illustrations and diagrams and Videos.
  • Ready-made recipes for common problems.
  • Optimizations and Best practices.

To get the most of the book?

Every sample will be standalone and can run independelty.

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